Apogee Enterprises, Inc.
No PO No Pay Policy

Policy Number:

Revision Number: Effective Date: //

No PO No Pay Policy

Issue Date: 9/10/2013 Supersedes: //

Functional Owner: Joshua Ford, Director of Operational Procurement

Approved By: Greg Sachs, Chief Procurement Officer


TITLE:     No PO No Pay Policy


It is the policy of Apogee to require a purchase order prior to commencement of work by the supplier, or receipt of goods or services.


The purpose of this policy is to establish the requirements for purchase order usage to procure product and services across Apogee. This ensures:

  • That purchases are authorized before goods or services are supplied
  • Timely and efficient processing of payment to suppliers
  • Accurate expense reporting
  • Ensuring that suppliers agree to Apogee’s terms and conditions as supplied on the purchase order.

Payments will be made to the supplier based on information from the purchase order.


This policy applies to all Apogee procurement personnel and requestors/ requisitioners who are purchasing products and/or services on behalf of Apogee.  
This Procurement Purchase Order Policy (No PO No Pay) applies to all Apogee procurements for products and/or services, including indirect, direct & project spend types, regardless of expense amount.  All procurements are required to have a purchase order in place with supplier prior to any products or services being delivered unless one of the exceptions below.
Expense examples of procurements that are excluded are:

  • Real Estate Leases
  • Merger & Acquisition 
  • Legal
  • Allowable P-Card Purchases (Per Policy)
  • Approved Travel Expenses
  • Utilities (water, gas, electricity, trash disposal)
  • Insurance expenses
  • Customer refunds
  • Postal services
  • Telecommunications expenses
  • Attorney and legal fees
  • Government agencies


Purchase Order (PO): Governing document between Apogee and a supplier to provide goods or services at a specific price, including Apogee’s terms and conditions for goods or services provided and payment terms.

Indirect PO: a PO issued within Apogee’s indirect spend management system (Coupa).

Direct PO: a PO issued for materials or services that are direct inputs into a good or service provided to an Apogee customer.

Requisitioner: An Apogee Enterprises employee that is procuring a good or service on behalf of the company.

Segment Buyer: Procurement buyer at each business segment responsible for site purchasing.





  1. Beginning immediately, all procurements that are not defined as an exception noted above, shall go through purchase order process or the invoice will be rejected.
  2. If an invoice is delivered to AP without a purchase order, AP will reject the invoice back to the suppliers with an official notice from AP to the supplier regarding our No PO No Pay Policy. The supplier will need to work with the requestor and the requestor (Apogee purchaser) must create a Req and PO, add to the invoice, and re-submit for payment. If there are any questions regarding scope or process, please see your segment buyer.
  3. Repeat requestor violations will receive a notice from AP of such violation.
  4. Repeat violations of the No PO No Pay Policy will be communicated to employees’ supervisor.


External Template

No PO No Pay Compliance Request

Date of Occurrence
Supplier Name
Brief Description/Summary

The transaction identified above was initiated in direct violation of Apogee Enterprises’ No Po No Pay Policy. A commitment was made without a purchase order from Apogee Enterprises. Without a purchase order, the commitment of funds was unauthorized & the according to policy, the invoice is rejected and will need to be resubmitted with a purchase order backing. The transaction identified above was initiated in violation of Apogee Enterprises’ No PO, No Pay Policy. We are in the process of transitioning to this policy. Going forward, we are asking that all transactions for Goods or Services are backed by a PO to ensure timely payment. If there is not a PO backing a transaction, payment will not be remitted until a PO has been created. Please work directly with your business contact, or contact in Procurement to get this resolved so that payment can be made.

If you have any questions regarding this notification, please contact your segment buyer and any needed information or training can be provided.



Upon adoption, the Director of Operational Procurement shall be the Function Policy Owner for the management of this Policy.